Sunday, September 15, 2024

HotBod II

            Remember "HotBod", the app that transforms people into whatever person they design on there? To be honest, it never really went away. It just stopped making headlines. It's still changing bodies, and in some cases, ruining relationships. One such case happened just recently with a couple of college undergraduates.

            The female of the relationship was introduced to the app via social media. She witnessed for herself how it transformed the person in the video from "pale and stick-thin" to "tanned and big-breasted". She shared it with her boyfriend, who scoffed at the thought of it all. He thought it was all the work of artificial intelligence. Absolutely none of it could be real, he told her. Naturally, hearing this upset her, so she hastily tried to prove herself and give him a shock in the process.

            First, she selected the "Hair" section. There were plenty of color choices: Red, Brunette, Raven-Black, Dirty Blonde, Platinum Blonde, Bleached Blonde, Bubblegum Pink, and even an "Emerald-Green". On a whim, she chose "Dirty Blonde". For the subsection of length, there was "Pixie", "Bob", "Rapunzel", and "As is". Curiosity led her to chose "Rapunzel". Next, for the "Shape" section, there was "Apple", "Pear", "Banana", and, of course, "Hourglass". Without hesitation, she chose "Hourglass". Third was the "Breasts" section, with a subsection for real or fake ones. She could choose from the letters "A" through "F". Also, if she wanted them implanted, she could hit that option. However, she preferred to keep them real and natural. As for the size, she chose "DD". Then came the "Rear" section. This, though, was much more simple. It had only three choices: "Flat", "Ample", and "Enormous", which she chose without a second thought. She hastily went through the "Eyes", "Lips", and "Nose" sections. All that was left was to hit the "Apply" button and shut up her boyfriend.

            Seconds went by, then minutes. Nothing happened. The boyfriend was about to have the last laugh when suddenly...

            "Whoa." She started shivering violently. "S-s-s-something's h-happening."

            Much to her joy, it seemed that her body was about to change right in front of her disbelieving boyfriend. His eyes went wide open when he noticed her short hair suddenly growing longer and longer. In under a minute, her hair became voluminous, going down to her waist. The second thing he noticed was her chest slowly blowing up. She looked down and as she did, a button popped off her blouse, then another, and a third. They didn't stop there; They kept on growing until they looked as big as melons, snapping her bra in half.

            "Look at these things!" She said, incredulously. "They're...big." She giggled uncontrollably.

            Her joy was interrupted by a sudden pain in her sides. She felt like she was being squeezed akin to a sponge. It was her waist caving in on itself. Several loud crunches were heard as she appeared to gag.

*Crunch*        *Crunch*        *Crunch*        *Crunch*

            When the crunches stopped, she looked less like a lava lamp and had an actual hourglass for a body. Her stomach gurgled loudly as it tightened, creating a sculpted core. She got a tingle as she felt her new curves. The relief was short, though, as her hip bones began to shift. She grabbed her mate as her hips creaked outward, crying out in pain. As this happened, her derriere began swelling in size, becoming quite big in area. Her thighs also started to swell, becoming thick but retaining a cushion. If one were to softly slap them, they would appear to jiggle. Her face would be the last to change. Her jawline and cheekbones shifted, her nose shrank and became rounder, and her lips turned puffier. At last, the girl that stood there was no more. In her place, and ill-fitting or outright ripped clothing, stood a busty woman with features to make any man turn heads. The bewildered boyfriend got his jaw off the ground long enough to check if his girl was still there.

            "Hey, babe." He said. "Are you okay? Are you still there?"

            "I'm sorry." She responded. "Do I, like, know you?" Even her voice had changed. She sounded like some valley girl. Her mate was starting to panic.

            "Now, look. I saw the whole thing. I get it now. HotBod is for real. Now will you quit scaring me? This isn't funny."

            "I really don't know what you're babbling about. I think you're, like, gonzo or on something. Get away from me, you weirdo."

            The girl's plan had badly backfired. She successfully persuaded her boyfriend that HotBod was legitimate, but, in the process, she didn't account for the mental changes. As a result, the young man she once knew and dated was now a total stranger who, to her, was off his rocker. She left him and strutted on her way, to a future as a social media influencer and part-time teaser, flaunting her body for any man who has money to burn. Unfortunately, the girl also didn't know or even plan for when, if ever, she would change back, but as far as this growing influencer is concerned, she hopes that never happens, especially in front of her "audience".

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Mystery of Bermuda

            A college dropout, to his own shock, had won a contest that promised a trip for four to Bermuda. It came as a shock to him because he had never won a thing until now. He was allowed to bring three of his friends with him. The plane ride over went smoothly. It would be the only thing about this adventure that was normal.

            The foursome made their way to a private bungalow, with enough room for all of them. It had three stories to it and a pair of long stairways. Were they not careful, one of them could get lost. It seemed like paradise. However, mere hours after they unpacked, something seemed off. One of the three other boys, a gym regular with a blond crew-cut who prided himself on his appearance, felt something tingling on his chest.

            "Hey." He said. "I feel tingly. I think this air is doing something to my nipples."

            The third boy, a geek whose hair was cut short, sported thick-rimmed glasses, and had no noticeable features, just scoffed. Narc, he thought. He lay in bed, reading a book, one of three he bought with him for the trip. He was hesitant to join the party, but his mother pressed him to get fresh air. As he returned to his book, an itch kept distracting him. His own chest started itching. He brushed it off as the air affecting him, too. The dropout and the fourth boy, who sported a mullet, would also get an itchy feeling in their chest regions. It couldn't be coincidence.

            "I think I'll go for a swim." Said the fourth boy, and without a second thought, he took off for the water, wearing only shorts. The dropout, in a white undershirt, followed him into the water. As they swam around, they were unaware that the hair on their bodies were falling off into the water. What little arm muscles they had were slowly melting away, leaving their arms lean.

            "Great vacation, man." Said the boy with the mullet to his friend.

            "Thanks." He replied. "You know, I've heard about this thing called the Bermuda Triangle. It's supposed to be someplace where visitors disappear, never to be seen or heard from again."

            "Aw, baloney. Whoever made that up has no life. They're probably on their phones or computers all day with nothing better to do."

            "I don't know, man." The dropout said. "I can't help but worry."

            "You didn't bring me here to worry." Went the boy with the mullet. "We came here to have fun."

            As the two boys continued swimming, the remaining two back at the bungalow, the gym rat and the geek, continued to keep themselves busy, working out and reading on a couch, respectively. The gym boy had brought some dumbbells to keep himself from getting bored. He already had biceps that would make any girl's face turn beet red in a heartbeat, but like a true narcissist, he wasn't satisfied. He wanted to be buff, a bodybuilder. Unbeknownst to him, however, that wouldn't happen.

            While he kept working out, he was suddenly felled by an ache in his stomach. He dropped the dumbbells to the floor and clutched his gut in agony. The groans from his stomach were loud enough to stir the other boy out of his daze. He turned to find the gym rat keeling over from what the geek thought were cramps.

            "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, genuinely worried.

            "I'm not gonna lie." The gym rat answered. "N-no. I think...I pulled something."

            "Should I get the others?"

            "N-no. I've had cramps before. It's fine."

            This was no ordinary cramp. Something was happening to his body that was, by no means, normal. The four-pack that he worked for months to obtain was slowly melting away into oblivion. Muscles within his chest were contracting, moving along with the bones in his rib cage. This led to much more agonizing pain, something the gym regular could not handle.

            "Okay." He groaned. "This...isn't normal. Gotta...find bathroom."

            He crawled up the nearest flight of stairs, pain wracking his body throughout his trek. Unbeknownst to him, his hair had started growing out, tickling his ears and reaching halfway down his neck. By the time he was at the top step, it had just reached his shoulders. In mere seconds, his hair had grown supernaturally fast to give him the appearance of a girl from behind. He pushed the bathroom door open and crawled inside. It took all the willpower he could muster to climb up the stairs, but now, he needed it again to pull himself off the floor. Once the sink was at his waist, he looked in the mirror and was mortified.

            "What happened to my hair?" He asked, incredulously. "It didn't look like this when we got here."

            Turning to his side, he found he had a mullet like the fourth boy, except his was slightly more voluminous and slowly getting longer still. Bones and muscle that made up his rib cage continued to shift around as his hip bones started to crack outward. The transforming boy groaned as his hips started to gain an hourglass shape. His spine was next to change as it cracked inward, seemingly forcing him to flex his chest. It also contracted ever so slightly, making him shrink in height. HIs thigh muscles, also quite large in size, slowly melted away as well, erasing more hard work. Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

            "What--just--happened?" He asked himself, out of breath.

            Regaining his footing, he looked in the mirror and found his appearance drastically changed. Besides his now-billowing locks, he appeared to be a woman from the waist down. Mortified, he rushed back to the geek, who never left his place. The sound of him rushing down the stairs had snapped the reader out of his daze again.

            "My heavens." He spoke quietly. He eyed his changed roommate, looking up and down at his new body.

            "What just happened to me?!" The gym regular shrieked, his voice higher by a few octaves.

            "I...have honestly no idea." The geek responded, oblivious to his roommate's vocal changes.

            "My beautiful muscles are gone, and I have... GIRL HAIR!" He sounded more and more like a woman as he became more distraught, but the other boy was helpless, unable to do anything except stare.

            "The others can't see me like this. They'll ask too many questions!"

            Without a second thought, he ran back upstairs to one of the bedrooms to hide in shame. The reader was now all alone, confused by what he just saw.

            "Poor man." He said quietly to himself as he returned to his book. However, as he did so, he couldn't help but fantasize about the gym boy, completely female and undressing before him in the very bedroom he ran into. She then removes his shirt before pushing him onto the bed. In his fantasy, he says, "Wait a minute. This is all wrong. Weren't you--?"

            She shushes him. "No more talking."

            Then, she unzips his pants and finds something very hard inside.

            "You didn't tell me you were gifted with such a huge wand." She says.

            "Well, it's something I'm not exactly proud of."

            "You should be."

            "Wait. We really shouldn't--"

            She shushed him again and proceeded to have her way with him.

            "Please d-don't--Oh!"

            The hottie that was once a gym buff was actually giving him a blowjob without any sign of hesitation. The euphoria was nothing the bookworm had ever felt before. Even if it was wrong morally, he couldn't lie to himself: It was a good feeling. He clenched the bedsheets like he was gripping a pet's rubber toy. Slowly but surely, he was losing the battle to fight off the pressure below. Unbeknownst to him, this was what she wanted.

            "No. No-no. Must...hold...out."  Alas, the pressure was just too much. With a long, pained groan, he let loose, which shocked him back to reality. 

            "What--just--happened?" He asked, close to hyperventilating. Subconsciously, a girl that wasn't even real was messing around with his private parts, a girl that used to be a buff young man. That buff young man was now upstairs, freaking out at the unexplainable transformation he was going through. What could be causing his body to change like that? He thought. Such things just don't happen. However, while he was lost in his fantasy, his own body was starting a transformation of its own. What little body hair he had had receded into his skin. Next, his jeans began to feel strangely tighter in his thighs and derriere.

            "I don't remember these pants being so tight when we got here." He said, quietly.

            As he tried to adjust his pants, he was unaware that his fingernails had started getting longer much faster than normal. At that very moment, his nipples became erect as the area around them began to swell gradually. When he got back to his book, he finally noticed his newly-long, unmanicured fingernails. He was certain they were trimmed before he left. Now, he was sure that something was wrong. Whatever was changing his roommate was now doing the same to him.

            Then, he heard what sounded like a loud, lengthy slurping sound followed by a POP. With what was happening, he fathomed one guess. Removing his book from his lap, he saw the unimaginable: His private parts were shrinking inside of him. He wanted to scream, but something from inside wouldn't let him, so he kept on looking in horror as he officially switched genders. Quickly unzipping his jeans, he confirmed his fears: His manhood was gone.

            "Oh no." He said, hushed. "Is this really happening?"

            Had she looked in a mirror, she would have had her answer, as her hair had also started growing unnaturally fast, reaching the back of her neck. Some strands were also turning a dirty blonde color. By now, her chest was much more pronounced, as a tent had started to form. She lifted her shirt and was greeted with the sight of what were undeniably breasts, and they were slowly growing before the geek's eyes. One second, they were B-cup size. Thirty seconds later, they ballooned to C-cup size. Another thirty seconds later, they swelled again to D-cup size. In a minute, the mounds on her chest had grown to DD-cup size. Her hair was still growing as well, becoming more voluminous in area, growing past her shoulders, and covering her eyes, glasses and all.


            Then came a tear from behind her. The spooked youth jumped out of her seat. It was her jeans ripping from her back end, which was inflating as quickly as her new breasts. She moved her hands subconsciously to her growing rump.

            *RIP* *RIP*

            More tearing sounds came from her thighs. The holes became bigger as they were getting thicker. All the while, her pale skin became slightly tanned all over.

            "Whatever this is--*ahem*--seems to be contagious or something." Her voice cracked as she spoke, suddenly rising a good number of octaves. "M-m-my voice! Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3. Do-re-mi--I'm really becoming a female! A mirror. I need a mirror!"

           She rushed upstairs to the same restroom earlier occupied by her transforming roommate. A look in the mirror confirmed it: The bookworm was now a young woman, and a well-shaped blonde one at that. However, instead of being mortified like her roommate, she was mesmerized by her own appearance. She turned sideways to get a good look at her rear. To her, it appeared to be quite fleshy and wide in area. 

           "I look like I stole this booty from Jennifer Lopez." She said, feeling her large derriere. "So this is what he was freaking out about. The others will undoubtedly be amazed by this."

           That's when the shock set in. The other two boys, the dropout and the boy with the mullet, don't know about their transformed peers. They were still out swimming. However, what had happened to the gym rat and the bookworm was also happening to them. They just hadn't realized it yet. "Mullet" was deep underwater swimming like a common salmon when he noticed what he thought was a girl swimming past him. Her hair was long enough for her to look like a girl from the back. Unknown to him, it was really the dropout, whose transformation was happening at a faster pace.

           Who is she? He thought. She swims like a mermaid or something. I'd like to get to know her better.

           He followed the still-transforming dropout back to land, still thinking he's a girl. The dropout's legs were getting longer and leaner as he kept kicking them in the water. Meanwhile, Mr. Mullet's own changes were just getting started. His own legs also lengthened as they became long, lean, and sexy. The mullet on his head was slowly getting longer and spacious in area. As they reached the shoreline, he found the "girl" had beaten him there and was drying off. Now was his chance to "get to know her better".

           "Hi. I don't remember seeing you here." He said, flirting. "Would you like to meet my friends?"

           "Dude!" The dropout cried out as he turned around. "What are you doing?!"

           "Jeez! I'm sorry. Hand to God, I-I-I thought you were a girl. I mean--From behind, you looked like one w-with your long hair."

           "Wait, wait. What?"

           Sure enough, when he got a look at his reflection in the water, the dropout did indeed look like a girl. A look of fear ran across his face.

           "What did that water do to me?!" He asked, panicky.

           "I don't think it's the water, man." The boy who once had a mullet answered. "I think it's something else. This whole place, maybe."

           "Please don't start that again. I'm already freaking out. I didn't look like this before we dove in."

           "Not only that, but I think you're growing boobs, too."

           The fourth boy was right. The dropout was growing breasts, and his wet undershirt showed it. They appeared to be at B-cup size and were getting bigger with every passing few seconds.

           "Oh my God!" He shrieked, his voice rising many octaves at the last word uttered. He clasped his mouth at the foreign sound of his own voice. "Am I really becoming a chick?!"

           "By the looks--and sounds--of it, yeah." The fourth boy answered, his own changes speeding up. "And I think I'm next. Does my chest look bigger to you?"

           Looking at the fourth boy's chest, it appeared that there were some mounds growing as well, though not as large as the dropout's. His mullet had grown out at a supernatural pace also, though it seems to have stopped midway down his back. Also, his waist had caved in, giving him a hourglass shape. While the fourth boy was examining his own changing body, the dropout got a horrible surprise.

           "Oh no. No-no-no-no-no-NO!" He shrieked again. "It's gone. They're completely gone."

           "You mean...down there?"

           "YES, I mean down there!" The dropout's voice and body were now absolutely those of a girl. "And you look like you're about to join me."

           "What do you--ugghh!" The fourth boy was cut off by a sudden pain in his own nether region. It was his own machinery receding inside his body. The sound of some gurgling followed by some pops confirmed it. She bent over, groaning as her voice rose in octaves as well.

           "What's--aahhhhh--happening to us?!" She cried out, her voice cracking mid-sentence.

           "I don't know, but we have to tell the others."

           "How will they believe us?"

           "I don't know, but they'll find out eventually so we might as well."

           What the newly-transformed girls didn't know was that their roommates were now girls themselves. As they walked to the bungalow in shame, the last of their changes took place. Both of their rears began to inflate in size, becoming quite ample. The girl who used to be the dropout looked down at the other's legs and then, their own. In her mind, she now had the pair of legs she used to dream about as a male. They were a supermodel's legs. She subconsciously struck a pose, as if she was at a photo shoot. All the cameras in the room were focused on her, snapping every sexy pose she could make. For a moment, she completely forgot reality as she soaked in all the attention. She couldn't deny it; It felt empowering. She heard herself giggling subconsciously as she continued posing seductively. It wasn't until the other girl called out to her that she snapped back to reality.

           "What are you doing?!" She asked, incensed.

           "I'm--I'm sorry." The other responded, flustered. "I-I don't know what got into me."

           She ran to catch up to her transformed companion, who was working out in her mind how to explain what had happened to them. Upon opening the door, they found nobody in the kitchen or the living room.

           "I guess they're both upstairs." Said the girl who was formerly the mullet-haired boy. "Hey! Are you guys up there?"

           No response. Cautiously, they walked upstairs. They were unprepared for what--or rather, who--they would find. The beauty that was once the boy with the mullet knocked on the bathroom door.

           "Occupied." A feminine voice spoke that tried in vain to be as gruff as possible. It was the geek.

           The beauty that was the dropout went for the bedroom when a scream went out. "Don't come in here!"


           The former gym buff tried in vain to disguise their new voice while coming up with an excuse. "Uhh... I'm not decent. The room is a mess."

           Unamused, the changed dropout barged in to find the bedroom spotless and the changed gym buff hiding in shame underneath the covers of one of the beds. Slowly, the dropout crept further to the occupied bed.

           "Please don't come any closer. Just go away."

           "Hey, it's okay. Whatever happened to you affected me, too."

           "Wait, WHAT?! You, too?!"

           "Yeah, and I'm as freaked about it as you are."

           The transformed gym buff slowly uncovered herself, revealing herself to be no less beautiful than her companions. She, too, was blonde, busty, and upon removing the covers, showed that she also had wide hips and a spacious derriere. Shirtless and in tears, she embraced her dropout friend and continued crying silently.

           "What's happened to us?"

           "I don't know, and I certainly don't know how we'll explain this to or families, but...we'll figure something out."


           Alas, they never did find out why they all changed into well-sculpted blondes. Making matters worse, when the dropout tried to contact his parents, they each thought it was a prank and ordered her not to call their home again. She certainly couldn't prove that she was once their son without any photographical evidence. Not only that, but for all they know, she might have stolen their son's ID and driver's license. So, she was at a loss; All of them were. Nobody they knew would believe that they had gone to Bermuda only to be transformed into hot blondes. With a lack of options, the best thing they could do was start anew. It would undoubtedly be difficult, but between the four of them, at least, they'll have emotional support of each other. If only they could figure out how they became females. Sadly, it's just one more mystery of Bermuda.

Friday, January 19, 2024

In With the New (Bully)

            Would you believe that this is--rather, was--my school bully?

          She was a thorn in my side since the very first day of high school. On several occasions, she and her cronies have pelted me with eggs after the last bell rings. They've harassed me for my lunch money, sacked me to the gym floor, and even pantsed me in the hallway in front of all the other students. She has done all sorts of nasty and humiliating things to me. However, she also used to be a he. That's right; My school bully was a male, turned into a female.

            It was intended to be payback for everything he had done to me throughout the whole school year. Alas, as poet Robert Burns put it, "The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley." Something was sure to go wrong, I just didn't know what in particular. My plot for revenge involved the use of "Hot-T", the infamous drug that could turn the beefiest of men into women. The thing is, what I got ahold of were pills that contained a concentrated version that could make men into women permanently. Someone I trusted managed to smuggle it in a plastic bag onto school grounds. I had to keep the drug hidden at all times from the faculty or be suspended, even expelled, from school. All I had to do was wait until the right moment to trick him into taking the pills. Luckily, I wouldn't have to wait too long.

            From a safe hiding spot, I watched as he jimmied my locker open and found the pills. Like the dumb brute he was, he thought they were candy. I held back my joy as he ripped open the bag and foolishly gobbled them down, sealing his fate. If you'll forgive my poor word choice, revenge was sweet, or so I thought. I was told that the pills would go into effect once they reached his stomach. Everything was going as planned, for now.

            Now, this guy was a heavyset character. "Tubby" would be putting it mildly. He looked like one of those ghosts always chasing Pac-Man in his arcade game. I didn't dare picture him in his underwear, at the risk of throwing up. When he grabbed his stomach, I grabbed mine on reflex. From behind a pack of lockers, I could hear him groan and say, "That...was...a bad idea."

            I took a quick peek to find him staring at the hair on the back of his hands.

            "Oh, God!" He cried out. Luckily, the halls were empty. "My hands!"

            Sure enough, the hair was receding within his skin. The hair on his arms followed suit. Afterwards, his fingernails began lengthening, becoming ungroomed talons. Then, he seemed to be squirming below. I could tell his private parts were rearranging. He moved his hands to his "balls and chain" as they became a woman's "mechanisms". I could hear what sounded like slurping from the other side of the hallway, where I was. Running to the nearest corner, he quickly unzipped his pants. The mortified look on his face told me all I needed to know. Hyperventilating, he silently cried, "What's happening to my body?"

            I didn't dare make a sound, lest he come at me like an angry bull.

           "Oh, God. Are these... boobs?!"

           Indeed, even from a distance, I could see some lumps underneath his shirt. They were growing bigger every second.

           *π‘†π‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘*    *π‘†π‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘*    *π‘†π‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘*    *π‘†π‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘*    *π‘†π‘™π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿπ‘*

           "I got boobs!" His face had fear written all over. He, indeed, had boobs. If he had lifted his shirt, I would have guessed they were E-cup. They were so big, they managed to lift up his plaid shirt and were even making a tent. What I would give to see the deep cleavage he must have had. 

           "No-no-no-no-no-no... I'm really becoming a chick!" He covered his mouth, visibly taken aback at the sudden change in his voice. "Now, my voice is girly!"

           The biggest changes, pun completely unintended, had finally came in the form of his large body slowly but surely shrinking in size. With every passing second, his height decreased an inch while his body mass melted away into nothingness. However, some mass did go to his derriere, making it quite corpulent in appearance. His pants had lost the fight to stay in place and fell to the floor; whereas, his shirt appeared to be more like a circus tent. The sound of bones creaking told me that his hips were shifting outward, giving him--I suppose I should say her at this point--hips meant for childbearing. Her hands had moved to her face as the last piece of her transformation took place. A smaller nose, fuller cheeks, bigger eyelashes, and a receded jawbone had all but erased her masculine facial features. It had ended, and I was lucky enough to see it all.

           "Oh my God! This cannot be happening to me! What did that candy do to me?! I have a girl's body! Oh my GodWhat do I tell my parents?! Nobody will believe this! My life is over!"

           Just as she uttered those words, she grabbed her head, visibly in pain. It seemed that the mental changes were now taking place. She knelt down to the ground as her forehead appeared to be pulsating.

          "!" She managed to squeak out, before letting out a blood-curdling scream. I was terribly shaken by the unexpected shriek. It was sure to attract the teachers and other students, so I had to act fast. Without a second thought, I rushed upstairs to the school library, making sure I wasn't seen. Once inside, I peeked from a glass window at my transformed bully as she stood back up, her denim jeans still on the floor in a heap. She stepped out of them and slowly made her way to a restroom, the girls' restroom. From the library, I couldn't see anything, and I didn't want to appear suspicious. So, I could only imagine what was going on in there. The rest of the day went as scheduled, and I kept my enthusiasm at bay over what had happened. It seemed like, for the first time in what felt like a long time, I would feel comfortable going to high school. I couldn't be more wrong.

        Some time had passed. Nobody had heard from the school bully since my "plot" took place. Instead, most of the talk or "school gossip" revolved around the "new girl" in school. Some girls in the upper class were resentful of her while the freshmen and sophomore girls quietly feared her. All of the guys, however, wanted her. Personally, I knew nothing about her except that she reportedly got a private thrill keeping guys at arm's length, so to speak, and berating and belittling girls she considered inferior, compared to her. Then came the moment I thought would never happen: She came forward to oppose me.

          I was at my locker when it happened. The sound of stilettos became louder and louder with every second. She poked my shoulder, scaring me. As I turned around, I got a good look at her. The clothes she wore couldn't have possibly met the school dress code: What I thought was a blue, see-through crop top, combined with dolphin shorts. The pose she made, her manicured hands on her hips, and the stern look on her face spoke volumes. Maybe she didn't recognize me.

         "Uh...hi. Can I help you?" I said, sheepishly.

         "I feel like I should...know you or something." Her voice alone gave me chills, but in a good way. I can't explain it, but it reminded me of Alicia Silverstone's character in that movie, Clueless, except huskier. I was trying really hard not to, if I may, be erect.

         "Really?" I asked her, acting dumb. "How else do you feel?"

         "A part of me is telling me to stomp on you with my heels. Another part of me wants me to make you kiss my feet. I should be disgusted at the thought of that, but for some reason, I'm not."

         Something told me she wanted to do something to me, but something from within was holding her back. Then, a smile finally formed on her face. It was then and there that my heart sank.

         "I know! I think I'll make you do my homework for me. Yeah, that will be just the beginning. You, little boy, are going to do everything I say, and should you refuse, I can 'persuade' one of my male admirers to find you and hurt you. I think we have an understanding, don't we?

        Unable to think of any other options, I silently nodded. With my consent, she walked--or rather, strutted--away. As she did, I found myself unable to look away from her derriere. Time seemed to slow down as I kept on staring. Her tush was... big, to say the least. Those legs of hers were something to behold, too, especially her thighs. Maybe, doing her homework against my will wouldn't be too bad, if it meant looking at her for longer periods of time. Little did I know then how right she was. This was only the beginning.

        Ever since then, she has had me do more then just her homework. She's had me carry her backpack, read self-deprecating poetry in front of everyone, and even use me as a step-stool. I had back pain for days! Despite all the mistreatment, never did a trace of her original self appear. It was as if she had no memory of who she used to be, beefy, muscular in some places, and had a brutish face. This "replacement" was statuesque, thick in some places, and a flawless face. What made her a menace to my peers was her personality and behavior. It was like one school bully had been quickly replaced with another, albeit much more attractive. Nevertheless, it seemed like I was getting the worst of it, compared to others. In the end, virtually nothing had changed, regarding my high school predicament, except the gender of my tormentor, and if I acted out of turn or otherwise, did something wrong, she would send her "male admirers", as she called them, would hunt me down like a wanted criminal. It seems this particular adage fits my situation: Out with the old, in with the new.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Not a Soda

            "Hey. Where did you get these sodas? They taste soooo good."

               This was really bad. My roommate, who was anything but bright, had mistaken one of my experiments for a soda. In reality, it was a homemade serum that, if successful, could change one's 23rd chromosome, from Y to X or vice versa. If not successful, then for all I knew, I may be making a new kind of poison. Using chemicals from the lab I worked in, some tubes and the wonders of chemistry, I somehow managed to make what appeared to be soda. Well, it has been said appearances can be deceiving.

               I didn't dare use a human subject, so I would've used an actual guinea pig, or maybe a rabbit. With nowhere else to put them, I ended up putting them in our miniature freezer for safekeeping. It was an unfortunate downside to living an apartment since housing prices are ridiculous. Unfortunately, my hapless roomie must have stumbled onto the cans I placed my serum in. I would have been mortified...if my experiment wasn't technically a success.

              "How did this happen to you?" I asked, faking horror.

               "I don't know." He-- She, I guess I should say--sounded so ditzy now. "I found this in the back of the 'freezy-thingy', and I was, like, soooo thirsty."

               I didn't dare tell him--her, I'll have to learn to get used to this--about my experimental serum, not that she could understand anything intellectual anymore, least of all, from me.

              "Listen. That is not a soda. What you drank was something I worked on, an experiment. You understand?"

             "Uhh, I think so." She sounded like one of those big-breasted airheads on those old sitcoms we would watch when we got bored.

             "Okay. Do you remember what happened when you first drank this stuff?"

             "Umm..." She closed her eyes, trying to remember the events. She appeared to be struggling.

             "I think... it started when I felt tingly all over. My hands started, like, shaking and I couldn't, like, make them stop. Then, the strangest thing happened to me: My fingernails just started growing. They got, like, sooo long."

             Looking at her fingernails, sure enough, they were long and unmanicured, as if they were a bird's talons.

              "I should have been, like, freaked." She continued. "But I thought they were, like, just so pretty."

              She then spoke of the hair on her arms and how, in her words, "icky her hairy arms looked on her". As if on cue, they started either falling off of her or receded into her skin, she claims, though not in those words, of course.

              "Then, the tingling moved to my p--my p--my thingy down there." She gestured to her private area. I could tell that was what she meant. "I could see my thingy shrinking from inside my jeans. I even heard, like, a slurping sound."

              As she spoke, I could hear traces of her original self, as a male, but it seemed like a second personality, completely unlike the other, was fighting them, trying to take control.

              "Suddenly, my hair just rained down my head. It totally covered my face. It grew and grew and grew, and I totally feel like Rapunzel now with this hair."

              Her hair seemingly appeared to go down to her derriere.

              "Then, my chest started tingling." I think I knew where she was going next. "And I say to myself, 'Oh my God, I'm totes growing boobs.' First, one blew up and then, the other. They felt like water balloons."

               It was here that she cupped them. "They still feel like water balloons." She giggled as she pushed them up over and over. I won't lie, it was mesmerizing, and upon a close look, they did look like water balloons. They had to be D-cup, if not DD-cup. I knew it was rude and that this was my roommate, yet I couldn't help myself. Once I finally snapped out of it, I asked, "What happened next?"

             "Huh?" Apparently, I snapped her out of her own daze. 

             "I said, what happened next? Didn't you feel any pain at all?"

             "Oh yeah. I felt some pain in my stom--stom--like, my belly. It felt like those things you get when you swim after eating. What are those things called?"

             "Cramps." I answered.

             "Yeah, those things. I think your soda messed up my belly."


             "When I pulled up my shirt, I saw some weird things moving around, like little bubbles."

             "Little bubbles, you say?" She must have seen globules of fat either moving around or melting from within her stomach.

             "Yeah, and I saw my belly shrink, too." My roommate was rather heavyset, so it wasn't hard to imagine such a huge gut melting in size. "Some little bubbles were on my legs, too."

             When she said that, I pictured her thighs becoming thicker and more shapely.

             "The tingling stopped after a while," She continued. "and I went to a mirror to see what I looked like."

             "Were you horrified by your changed appearance?" I asked foolishly.

             "I was so ready to freak, but when I, like, touched myself down there, it felt soooo good. I couldn't stop myself. Before I knew it, I had--that thing that makes you feel really good after, like, making out with a boy."

              I could guess what word she had in mind. I couldn't help but be awestruck with my work and what it had done to my roommate. Unfortunately, I had no idea how long the effects would last, or if they would wear off at all. How would I explain this to his relatives? Could I be arrested for this? What could I do to salvage the situation? Making matters worse, I didn't know if it was still my roomie talking to me or a new identity.

             "I got sooo horny and...Uh-oh. I think--*pant*--I'm getting--*pant*--that feeling again."

             Her panting became faster and more erratic. She appeared to be either having hot flashes or she was slowly getting horny again. Could this be a side effect of the serum? Was the split personality I feared I created finally taking over? Either way, I was about to get an answer.


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Dream a Little ShapeShifter II

            Remember the story about what happened to a young man that subconsciously triggered ShapeShifter in his sleep? Well, this incident was not a lone event, a one-time thing, so to speak. It happened again elsewhere to another person. They got careless, fell asleep, had a vivid dream involving lust and sex, and triggered the ShapeShifter. When they woke up, this is what they looked like.

            The plain-looking woman, who will stay anonymous, had smuggled the transformation drug into a hotel she had checked into. She had a room all to herself because she didn't want anyone close to her knowing of her dirty secret. Now, she was ridiculously conservative, making sure to never show any skin when on business. However, that didn't mean that she didn't have her deep-seated fantasies. Sometimes, she would lie awake at night, unable to sleep because she couldn't help but dream of having the body of a supermodel. It got so bad, that every time she closed her eyes, all she saw were women in swimsuits with large-breasted bodies shaped like an hourglass. She needed relief before her own body gave up on her. In her frazzled mind, the only way was with ShapeShifter.

            "Just one time." She says to herself. "One time, and then, get rid of the stuff."

            That night, she quickly swallowed a pill. It was done, and all she had to do now was picture the kind of body she desired. However, no matter how hard she tried, no change to her body occurred. She couldn't understand it. She was certain she ingested the drug correctly. Alas, after some time had passed, nothing had happened. Eventually, she had given up. Defeated, she collapsed onto her hotel bed. Maybe therapy isn't such a bad idea after all, she thought.

            Eventually, the businesswoman fell asleep, the TV in her room still on. As she slept, however, the ShapeShifter finally reacted. It wasn't the way she planned it, but as her recurring dream took place, the unpredictable drug started to affect her small figure. Fortunately, she was in such a deep sleep that she didn't feel any pain. The skin on her arms started bubbling. Then, her short legs started to stretch and lengthen, making soft creaking sounds as they headed for the floor. Her thighs and calves were getting longer with every passing second. As that happened, her bob started to grow out, not stopping until reaching the small of her back. Her breasts ballooned in size to DD-cup size, popping some buttons on her blouse in the process. Her buttocks inflated, becoming as ample as her new mounds. The last of her changes came as her pale skin quickly tanned all over.

            As the next morning came, she felt off. She awakened to find long hairs in her face. She had slept on her sides, so she thought that was normal, but then, she looked down at her new, enlarged mounds. That would wake her up.

            "What on Earth?" She said, loudly. Her voice had changed as well, becoming more seductive. "My voice!"

            At the sound of her new voice, she jolted out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, not realizing she was taller. She was unprepared for what she would see in the mirror: A well-endowed, long-legged, statuesque drink of water. She stood like a statue, staring at her reflection and admiring her new figure. It never occurred to her that the ShapeShifter she had taken the night before had done its work. She was too lost in her new appearance to realize it. Subconsciously, her hands went to her massive breasts, fondling them. She smiled, seemingly forgetting the events of last night.

            "I look--look--like I could use a man by my side." As she spoke that last sentence, the ShapeShifter pill pulled one last move: Distorting her mind, creating a second personality. This persona was not as stuffy, nor as straight-laced. She was much more of a free spirit, man-crazy, sex-crazy, and reckless. That poor woman never realized the potency of ShapeShifter, and as a result, she must now face the consequences, in the form of a malevolent man-chaser.  

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Shoe-niverse: Golden

            See those golden shoes she's wearing? Before she first put those on, she looked nothing like this long-legged wonder. She was under five feet in height, wore thick-rimmed glasses, had frizzy, crimson red hair, a freckled face, and knobby knees. No boy would go near her and the popular girls looked down on her, insulting her with every opportunity possible. She didn't like being photographed because she was painfully self-conscious. That is why it's impossible to believe that this thing of beauty and that homely girl are one and the same. Well, those are not ordinary pumps. She found those heels in what we call "The Shoe-niverse". 

            The homely girl had woken up in a gigantic library, but it was no ordinary library. There were no books in it, only shoes.

            High heels, stilettos, flats, ballet slippers, you name it, they were there in little cubby holes. There were knee-high boots, thigh-high boots, combat boots, cowboy and cowgirl boots, and platform boots. Shoes of all sorts filled the room, and the girl was at a loss for words. All she could do was look around in absolute awe of the place.

            "Welcome, child." Came a woman's sultry voice from nowhere.

           "Who said that?The girl, terribly shaken, squealed.

            "Do not fear." Went the voice. "You will not be harmed. I only wish to help you."

            "Help me how?" The girl asked in fear.

            "Do you wish to be more attractive? More popular?"

            "Well, I would like to be taller." The girl answered.

            "Then follow my voice." Went the voice. "I will guide you,"

            The girl, despite her misgivings, did as she was told and walked in the direction of the voice seemingly from nowhere. She walked in the directions the voice gave her, repeating every moment, "You need not hesitate. You will be okay." Eventually, the voice led the girl to a pair of golden pumps.

             "These heels will give you what you desire: A better body. You will have the height to intimidate your rivals and, at the same time, mesmerize men. Your face will be flawless. Your body will be irresistible to many. You will undoubtedly be the center of attention after you have worn these heels for the first time."

             "I don't know." The girl was understandably hesitant.

              "I assure you that no harm will come to you." The soothing woman's voice responded.

              Ironically, that sultry, ethereal voice did nothing to ease the girl's fears. Nevertheless, she had no other reasonable options, and she didn't dare upset what she thought was an omnipresent figure, so she slipped her feet into the golden heels. After a few minutes of silence and no results, the voice spoke again.

            "Do not despair, dear child. You will have your reward in due time. I guarantee that you shall not be disappointed."

            With those last words, the library was instantly clouded in a blinding light. The girl stood helpless and screamed in fear. Suddenly, as soon as it happened, the blinding light was gone and the homely girl was back in her bedroom, still in her pajamas and still wearing those golden heels. Part of her wanted to believe that it was all a dream, but then, she looked down at the heels, which convinced her otherwise. Little did she know, however, that things would only get stranger still.

            The moment she took her first step in those heels, she felt an uncomfortable tingling all over. She couldn't stop trembling as she began to panic. Suddenly, her "tree stump" legs began making a creaking sound.


            "Ahhhh! My legs!" She squealed. "What's happening to my legs?"

            Slowly, the muscles in her calves and thighs lengthened to supermodel proportions. They seemed to be four feet in length. No way these are my legs, she thought. While she kept feeling her new, longer legs, she felt her thighs thicken, becoming bigger in area. Then, her frizzy red hair straightened before growing down her back and covering her face, all while turning blonde from the root. Her unimpressive bosom, which was A-cup size, then began to swell up. With every passing second, they became bigger and bigger, stretching out her shirt until they stopped at DD-cup size. Frightened out of her mind, all the transforming girl could say was, "What's going on?" She rushed for her bathroom, being careful not to stumble or trip over her new stalks. As she reached the mirror, she watched as her freckles disappeared, one by one. The last of her changes came in the form of her face and head painfully reshaping. Her jaw cracked, her forehead bulged, and her lips swelled. At last, the pain was gone and it seemed that the changes were over.

            "What just happened?" Even her voice was not her own anymore. "My--my voice!"

            Her voice had become foreign, alien, alluring, husky, hypnotizing. It was the kind of voice that would make men feel like gelatin below their waist. She was still taking it in when she remembered the golden heels she still had on. They had to have been responsible for her sudden metamorphosis.

            "What did these shoes do to me?" She asked herself, looking down at her feet. "I look like I walked out of a magazine. It this what I really asked for? Is this what guys like in a woman? And why do I feel"

            The mental changes were starting. It wouldn't be long before her self-consciousness turned into full-blown narcissism. It would start with selfies every hour of every day. Then, it would turn into other people taking photos of her. Only when she had to sleep is when she would take them off, not even when she was... having at it in a bedroom, so to speak. The golden heels she picked out from "The Shoe-niverse" had changed her, although not necessarily for the better.

HotBod II

            Remember " HotBod ", the app that transforms people into whatever person they design on there? To be honest, it never ...