Sunday, September 15, 2024

HotBod II

            Remember "HotBod", the app that transforms people into whatever person they design on there? To be honest, it never really went away. It just stopped making headlines. It's still changing bodies, and in some cases, ruining relationships. One such case happened just recently with a couple of college undergraduates.

            The female of the relationship was introduced to the app via social media. She witnessed for herself how it transformed the person in the video from "pale and stick-thin" to "tanned and big-breasted". She shared it with her boyfriend, who scoffed at the thought of it all. He thought it was all the work of artificial intelligence. Absolutely none of it could be real, he told her. Naturally, hearing this upset her, so she hastily tried to prove herself and give him a shock in the process.

            First, she selected the "Hair" section. There were plenty of color choices: Red, Brunette, Raven-Black, Dirty Blonde, Platinum Blonde, Bleached Blonde, Bubblegum Pink, and even an "Emerald-Green". On a whim, she chose "Dirty Blonde". For the subsection of length, there was "Pixie", "Bob", "Rapunzel", and "As is". Curiosity led her to chose "Rapunzel". Next, for the "Shape" section, there was "Apple", "Pear", "Banana", and, of course, "Hourglass". Without hesitation, she chose "Hourglass". Third was the "Breasts" section, with a subsection for real or fake ones. She could choose from the letters "A" through "F". Also, if she wanted them implanted, she could hit that option. However, she preferred to keep them real and natural. As for the size, she chose "DD". Then came the "Rear" section. This, though, was much more simple. It had only three choices: "Flat", "Ample", and "Enormous", which she chose without a second thought. She hastily went through the "Eyes", "Lips", and "Nose" sections. All that was left was to hit the "Apply" button and shut up her boyfriend.

            Seconds went by, then minutes. Nothing happened. The boyfriend was about to have the last laugh when suddenly...

            "Whoa." She started shivering violently. "S-s-s-something's h-happening."

            Much to her joy, it seemed that her body was about to change right in front of her disbelieving boyfriend. His eyes went wide open when he noticed her short hair suddenly growing longer and longer. In under a minute, her hair became voluminous, going down to her waist. The second thing he noticed was her chest slowly blowing up. She looked down and as she did, a button popped off her blouse, then another, and a third. They didn't stop there; They kept on growing until they looked as big as melons, snapping her bra in half.

            "Look at these things!" She said, incredulously. "They're...big." She giggled uncontrollably.

            Her joy was interrupted by a sudden pain in her sides. She felt like she was being squeezed akin to a sponge. It was her waist caving in on itself. Several loud crunches were heard as she appeared to gag.

*Crunch*        *Crunch*        *Crunch*        *Crunch*

            When the crunches stopped, she looked less like a lava lamp and had an actual hourglass for a body. Her stomach gurgled loudly as it tightened, creating a sculpted core. She got a tingle as she felt her new curves. The relief was short, though, as her hip bones began to shift. She grabbed her mate as her hips creaked outward, crying out in pain. As this happened, her derriere began swelling in size, becoming quite big in area. Her thighs also started to swell, becoming thick but retaining a cushion. If one were to softly slap them, they would appear to jiggle. Her face would be the last to change. Her jawline and cheekbones shifted, her nose shrank and became rounder, and her lips turned puffier. At last, the girl that stood there was no more. In her place, and ill-fitting or outright ripped clothing, stood a busty woman with features to make any man turn heads. The bewildered boyfriend got his jaw off the ground long enough to check if his girl was still there.

            "Hey, babe." He said. "Are you okay? Are you still there?"

            "I'm sorry." She responded. "Do I, like, know you?" Even her voice had changed. She sounded like some valley girl. Her mate was starting to panic.

            "Now, look. I saw the whole thing. I get it now. HotBod is for real. Now will you quit scaring me? This isn't funny."

            "I really don't know what you're babbling about. I think you're, like, gonzo or on something. Get away from me, you weirdo."

            The girl's plan had badly backfired. She successfully persuaded her boyfriend that HotBod was legitimate, but, in the process, she didn't account for the mental changes. As a result, the young man she once knew and dated was now a total stranger who, to her, was off his rocker. She left him and strutted on her way, to a future as a social media influencer and part-time teaser, flaunting her body for any man who has money to burn. Unfortunately, the girl also didn't know or even plan for when, if ever, she would change back, but as far as this growing influencer is concerned, she hopes that never happens, especially in front of her "audience".

HotBod II

            Remember " HotBod ", the app that transforms people into whatever person they design on there? To be honest, it never ...