Thursday, September 30, 2021

Understanding HotBod

        My family just doesn't understand the new "HotBod" app and my fascination with it. I liked to fool around with it, creating all kinds of shapely bodies. Once, I made myself into a tanned, long-legged stripper with mounds as huge as they were plastic. Another time, I turned myself into a MILF with long and curly, platinum-blonde locks, puffy, red lips, volleyball-sized mounds, and a booty, not a normal seat but a "big, beautiful booty".

        Now, I'm giving myself modestly-sized mounds with long, black hair, thick thighs, and puffy lips. I'm heading to the beach and hoping to get all the attention from all the boys there. It's too bad I can't get my brother to try the "HotBod" app with me. I could have made him into a double of me and REALLY cause a stir. Alas, some people just don't understand "HotBod".


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HotBod II

            Remember " HotBod ", the app that transforms people into whatever person they design on there? To be honest, it never ...