Saturday, February 25, 2023


            M: "Your friends don't exist anymore. We have rightfully taken their place in this world."

               L/R: (Unison) "We are 'Alphas' now."

               M: "Indeed, and we owe it all to Spade, from the makers of Sluteau. What does it do, you ask? It gives you the bountiful breasts, flawless skin, and magnetic body of a deity. Your friends were...persuaded to try some for themselves. WE are the result: Enormous, beautiful boobs, sexy legs, unblemished faces and skin, and hot bodies."

               L/R: (Unison) "Soooo hot."

               M: "And guess what? YOU will soon feel what we--sorry, they felt when they drank it for the first time."

               *You look down to see slowly growing breasts forming on your chests*

               M: "That's right. My comrades here spiked your drink with Spade, so you too will know what it's like. And believe me, when it's all over, you'll never want to go back to being male ever again." 

               *Your breasts don't stop growing until they are of DD-cup size, Your stomach groans loudly as changes move to your stomach and waist area*

               M: "It won't be long, girls, before we have another member of our little 'clique'."

               *All three girls laugh maliciously*

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