Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A Hot Monster

            When he ingested too much 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 while thinking of his dream girlfriend, a young man inadvertently unleashed a monster: A very HOT monster. His stomach became tangled in knots. He fell to the floor in agonizing pain. Two mounds slowly swelled on his chest, forming from the fat around his stomach and waist and not stopping until they were very large. His hair slowly cascaded past his shoulders while curling over and over. He groaned as his hip bones shifted outward, giving him hourglass proportions. What was left of his fat moved to his derriere, giving it a noticeably large size. The moans that came from him became more and more feminine by the second. While his face remolded uncontrollably, his manhood shrank into his insides, where they reformed into a woman's ovaries.


           Finally, it was over. A shapely babe stood in place of the boy who was there just mere minutes ago. She stood in jeans that were capable of ripping anywhere an any time. That, however, didn't matter to her. The boy she was earlier was now trapped within the confines of her mind, which, by now, was gaining more and more power and intelligence with each passing second. It wouldn't be long before she had his friends under her thumbs. Her hunger for money and power was insatiable, and she would let nobody get in her way, not even her "unwanted" male self.

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