Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Getting Worse

               *Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

                "No! Not again!"

                Her breasts, normally modest, were slowly growing in size again, ballooning to humongous proportions. She was turning into her "Bimbo" self again. The rest of her changes--consisting of her long, luscious, brunette locks turning platinum blonde, her kissable lips becoming ridiculously swollen, and her intelligence slowly draining--would eventually follow. She couldn't risk being seen changing or she would be subject to all sorts of tests, the same kind of tests that others who came down with the Bimbo variant of the novel Slut Virus before her were subject to.

                The best thing for the slowly transforming girl was to lock herself in her bedroom, hoping beyond hope that her "Bimbo" self couldn't..."persuade" anyone to let her out or somehow escape herself. She didn't want to end up in a cage with other victims. She didn't want to be subject to needles, questions, and other horrible things. At the same time, she knew she couldn't hide her condition forever. She thought that once the effects of the Bimbo variant passed through her system and she changed back to normal, it would all be past her. However, that was not the case. If anything, her condition was only getting worse.

                "When is this, like, gonna stop?!"


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