Friday, December 9, 2022

An Orb Did This

            (Scene: A boy has just discovered his friend has been turned into a shapely girl)

            Victim: (Blushing) "Stop staring at me like that!"

            Boy: "I can't help it. You're hot. Your face, your legs, everything about you is attractive."

            Victim: "Don't say that! It makes me uncomfortable."

            Boy: "How did you get this way?"

            Victim: "You won't believe me."

            Boy: "Try me."

            Victim: "An orb did this."

            Boy: "I'm sorry. An orb?"

            Victim: "That's right. An orb. It had lots of red clouds in it. It just appeared outside my bedroom window."

            Victim: "When I got close to it, it zapped me somehow. Some lightning bolt or something came out of it and zapped me. It must have knocked me out because the next thing I remember, I looked like this."

            (The boy does a double-take, looking up and down at his transformed friend's body)

            Boy: (Still staring) "I don't believe it."

            Victim: (Dejected) "I knew you wouldn't believe me."

            Boy: "Oh, I believe you. What I can't believe is that it made you so hot."

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HotBod II

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