Monday, December 5, 2022

Look What I've Done

        (Scene: An intern meets his supervisor, unaware that the latter has a surprise waiting for him)

                  Intern: "Dr. Peyser? You wanted me to see you?"

          (A woman's voice the intern is unfamiliar with calls out, her voice sounds alluring)

                Woman: "In here, son."

                Intern: (Thinking) That can't be the doctor.

        (The unsuspecting intern walks into the living room to find a long-legged, ample-breasted young woman of athletic build in stilettos standing before him)

                Intern: (Stammering) "S-s-sorry, ma'am. I-I-I--"

        (The alluring woman shushes him before sitting him down on a nearby couch)

                Woman: "It's okay. Everything is under control. This isn't what it seems. Your Dr. Peyser is okay...because I AM Dr. Peyser.

                Intern: (Shouting) "You're Doctor--"

                Peyser: (Covers his mouth, softly) "Not so loud, panic monger. I told you everything was under control. Remember our 'private project' ?"

        (The intern nods silently)

                Peyser: "Well, we had no more test subjects and I couldn't ask for funds without giving away anything,  so I...tested our experimental serum on myself."

                Intern: "What were you thinking? You could've killed yourself,  for all you know! What would I do then?"

                Peyser: "I planned to make my possible demise look like an unforseen accident or a medical issue, so no one would accuse you of anything.  All in the name of science,  child. In pill form, this serum could have the power to change the gender of the person who ingests it by mouth, male to female and vice-versa. Their 23rd chromosome can go from XY to XX or the other way around,  if preferred. It could have been a dud, but instead, look what I've done!"

                Intern: "You made yourself into a totally hot, leggy female?"

            Peyser: "Well..." (Giggles) "You really find my new form attractive?"

                Intern: (Stammers)

                Peyser: (Seductively) "You needn't be ashamed,  dear boy. At your age, it's perfectly fine to feel the way you do for attractive women,  older or not."

                Intern: "W-W-Wait a minute, sir."

                Peyser: "My hormonal imbalance has left me very restless. I believe either our serum needs more work or...other means are needed for remedy."

                Intern: "B-B-But Doctor--"

        (She lays the intern on his back as she removes her heels)

                Peyser: "Just relax, son. It will all be over before you know it."

                Intern: "B-B-But--"

                Peyser: (Lays on top of the Intern, hushed) "Sssshhh. Doctor's orders."


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