Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Pink Fog

            A group of soldiers never saw it coming: A strange pink fog that they walked right into. It didn't appear on their vision goggles, so they were completely oblivious. As they walked right through it, their bodies began changing from within their uniforms. Muscles that they had to work hard for quickly melted, while fat would move to their chest area. From there, their chests swelled and swelled, becoming quite noticeable from a distance. They each felt some discomfort from their nether regions but chalked it up to nerves; In actuality, it was their manhood shrinking away into nothingness.

             The soldiers that walked out of the pink fog were no longer men but busty, shapely women. It wasn't until they returned to camp that they learned the truth. What's worse, they all had very bad itches to scratch, and once they started thinking about sex, they couldn't stop. Their commanding officer was dumbstruck and his superiors were just as lost for answers. It seemed that nobody could figure out what happened to those soldiers, yet more victims of that meteorological mystery, known as the pink fog.

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