Friday, January 27, 2023

Flaunt It

        This smiling face masks a dark heart and malicious personality.

        She wasn't always this way, though. She was innocent as a newborn. She was a virgin. She was also freckled and flat-chested. Nonetheless, she was happy with her life. Then, a group of haughty girls came along. They dressed in clothes that showed off their midriffs, cleavage, and long legs. These were clothes that couldn't possibly be allowed by the dress code. Upon reaching her, the girls all scowled in disgust.

        "Just look at her." One of them said.

        "She's U-G-L-Y!" Went another.

        "Don't worry, girls." Went a third. "The 'Society of Evie' can fix this."

        As she said that, the victim of their scorn felt a tingle all over her body.

        "I feel funny." She said.

        "Just relax." Said the third girl. "It's only temporary, and you'll love what happens to you."

        As if on cue, her flat chest slowly ballooned to mammoth size. Her freckles vanished, one by one. The fat surrounding her stomach moved to her thighs and derriere. The sudden transformation would end with her face reshaping into a picture of flawlessness.

        "How do you feel now?" The third girl asked.

        With stars in her eyes, the transformed girl uttered, "How--How--How did you make me so hot?"

        "Don't question it. Just enjoy it and flaunt it."

        And flaunt it, she did. Everywhere she went, she wore anything that would show off her massive cleavage. She had anyone male gazing and drooling over her, wanting to be with her. Alas, their feelings are unrequited, for she only loved herself and money. They, alone, were the two qualities required to be a member of the "Society of Evie".

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