Saturday, January 21, 2023

Me as an Alpha

         I was having an extremely bad hair day. I woke up with an extreme case of "Bed Head" and had run out of my favorite non-aerosol hair spray. In desperation, I went to my genius kid brother's room and checked. To my delight, he had a bottle on his desk. I snagged it and ran back to the bathroom to try it out. One long spray was all it took for my "Bed Head" to vanish. I was ready for the day, or so I thought.

         On the long bus ride to school, my chest kept itching. As I kept scratching underneath my shirt, it felt like something was growing on my chest. In less than a minute, it looked like I had a pair of boobs. They were small enough for me to hide with a good taping, but still, the thought of having boobs was mortifying. As the bus went on, my hair suddenly lengthened before my eyes, almost covering my vision. No way was all of this normal!

         I didn't think I'd ever find myself wanting to get to school, but then, I didn't think I'd find myself suddenly turning into a girl either. It was sheer luck that I wasn't noticed by anyone else on the bus yet. Just then, I felt my hips moving by themselves.

*𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘* *𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘*

         There were two audible albeit muted cracks from my hips. Looking down, I saw that they looked wider, much wider. Also, did my thighs look thicker than before I got on? All of a sudden, it felt like my pants were getting too small for me. As the bus ride ended, I felt something stirring in my loins. It had to be my manhood, and as I looked again, I could see the outline on my pants slowly shrinking. That did it! I was officially a girl in boy's clothes. To add insult to this injury, out of the blue, my chest just started blowing up as if it was an inflatable raft. My boobs had to be, at most, a DD-cup size.

         This was awful! In one bus ride, I went from an unnoticeable boy to a busty walking fantasy. I could only blame myself as that was no ordinary hair spray my kid sibling had. As the day went on, I tried in vain to hide my shame, but I kept getting stares from other boys. Despite being in clothes that were clearly too small for me, they really wanted me. The girls, on the other hand, were all eyeing daggers. They must have resented me. Nevertheless, I couldn't wait for this stuff to wear off so I could revert back to being male. Maybe they would all forget about me as a hot girl, or as I heard some girls call me, an "Alpha".


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