Sunday, May 8, 2022

Let Me Go

            I had just watched my own friend morph before me into a babe I'd only find in a Playboy magazine. I watched as he tore off his clothes, apparently forgetting I was right there. I was bewildered as breasts suddenly blew up on his chest. What little body hair he had was sucked right back in his skin. The hair on his head grew down past his shoulders. Hips cracked outward while his waist shrunk inward, making weird, slurping sounds as it did. He was clearly in agony as his face reshaped itself and his "balls and chain" wormed their way back inside him.

            I could have said something to remind him that I was still in the room, but I was frozen stiff. The whole thing just left me stuck with my mouth wide open. It didn't help that I was staring at his new breasts, and they were enormous. By the time we both came back to earth, the transformation was over, and a "Hot Bod" was lying on the ground before me. I won't sugarcoat it; She was jaw-dropping hot.

            She opened her eyes, got off the floor, and turned to see me.

            "Well, well." She said. Her voice was seductive in tone, and I was in lust right away. "What have we here?"

            My mouth wouldn't move, no matter how hard I wanted to talk. She slowly strutted her way to me, one dainty foot at a time. A seductive smile was on her face throughout. I was helpless, unable to speak as she took advantage of me.

            "Don't you look lovely?" She spoke again, looking down. "I had no idea he had such a well-gifted friend."

            She could tell I was speechless. "Come on, hon. You can talk, can you?"

            "Y-yeah." I finally responded, but I was still mesmerized by how well-sculpted she was.

            "Wonderful. Now we can get down to business. If you'll look past my nudity, I want to get to know you."

            "B-but y-you were just--"

            "Shh..." She put a manicured finger to my mouth and said, "Don't be afraid. I won't tell anyone at all. Who'd believe you anyway?"

            She wasn't wrong. Who would believe me if I told them I watched my best friend inexplicably morph into a big-breasted hottie? The rest of the time was a big haze to me now. I stood still, doing nothing as she quietly embraced me. I wanted to push her off, but I couldn't. Maybe it was the pheromones she was emitting or something. Either way, it would be a long time before she... let me go.


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HotBod II

            Remember " HotBod ", the app that transforms people into whatever person they design on there? To be honest, it never ...